On January 14, 2025 our planning committee kicked off the first of a year-long series of Ely for Ely monthly gatherings. These gatherings are intended to cultivate organic interaction and strengthen the webs of connection among our entrepreneurially-minded and civically engaged neighbors here in the Ely-area.
The theme of the program will change from month to month, and will be derived from insights gleaned at the Ely for Ely workshop that took place in November 2024. Various “hot topics” were discussed at the workshop, and themes that showed up across those conversations will be the focus of our efforts to learn and problem solve in collaboration with one another throughout the year.
How to advertise our various services and needs was the theme of our January program. You can watch an abridged version of the Ely-Specific Marketing Tactics program below.
The presentation included an exploration of what is meant when we talk about marketing and advertising. We explored challenges and strategies for getting our neighbor's attention, and much more.

Specific strategies for "getting people's attention" in Ely are listed in the Ely for Ely event planning guide. We hope this event planning guide will be a useful and relevant resource for all Ely-area event planners.
The next Ely for Ely gathering will take place on Tuesday, February 11 at the Ely Area Community Hub. We’ll have samples of Functional Fitness smoothies available starting at 7:30am, and announcements will begin at 7:45am. A How to Finance Your Business program will be provided by Emily Roose at 8:00am. You’ll be on your way to your next commitment by 8:45am.
Whether or not you yourself dream of building a business in Ely, this is a relevant topic for you to explore. We all benefit from the growth of our locally-owned business ecosystem. Let those of us who want to be a part of fostering an environment in which entrepreneurialism can thrive consider attending this event.
Basic information about upcoming Ely for Ely programs can be found here.
“Nearly all local living economies include a range of organizations, networks, and funding sources designed to nurture small and “micro” enterprises. Those that begin at home as a way to save a little money, help family or neighbors, or reduce dependence on the bigger economy can sometimes be nurtured into independent businesses serving the broader community.” –Anthony Flaccavento